We scheduled a sonogram for the 17th of March with Sneek A Peek, because yes I am too impatient to wait until my 20 week, doctor ordered, ultrasound to find out what we are having! The best thing is, I will be 16 weeks at this one and 4 weeks later, I will get to see our Bean again at the 20 weeks ultrasound the doctor orders.
Next Tuesday, Logan has a music concert and I can't wait. They all have to wear jeans and a white shirt. I will definitely be posting about that afterwards! He is getting so big, I can't stand it!
Oh and I got a Blog award! It is called the "Sunshine Award" from Tabby over at Shipwrecked on Fabulous Island!
I am suppose to do something after I receive the award but to be honest I just have not had the energy to figure out what that is exactly! I will at some point, promise! Anyways, that just a little update of what has been going on around here! I will try to get better at posting more!
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