We scheduled my 20 week anatomy ultrasound for April 16th! We are still doing the one on March 17th that we will pay for. I can't wait 6 more weeks to know what we are having because like I said before, I am too impatient! We also discussed when and who would do my c-section this time unless like she said this baby decided to come earlier or just "fall out" on their own! Not likely, but one can wish, right! ;) It will either be done Friday August 24 or Monday August 27. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the 24th! The hospital policy is VERY firm on only a week early unless there are issues so I am just keeping my fingers crossed the doctors office can get me in there on Friday with no issues. More on that though around 7-8 months!
Well, that is it for now! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
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