Thursday, June 28, 2012

iPhone love and some other ramblings!

Yes, I am giving some love to my iPhone right now. I love my iPhone and can't even imagine life without it now. I had a Droid smartphone before and it SUCKED was not a nice phone. Maybe I should just say I have fallen in love with Apple products in general. My windows (Dell) desktop has some kinda virus on it and has for about 6-7 months now and I have maybe thought about getting it fixed twice. My MacBook Pro is the best computer we have every purchased. I have tried to convince my hubby to get a iMac but he is not going for it...dang it. Maybe one day!

One of my favorite feature is the calendar on my iPhone. I am not sure what I would do without it. I love that it links to my iPhone and iPad, Matt's iPhone and my Macbook Pro (told you have a love for Apple, haha). With just one input we both knows what is going on any given day. I have tried the day planner route and I just end of leaving it at house and/or forgetting to put things in it, which in turn means I forget about thing I need to do.

As the end of the month is nearing my next months calendar starts filling up. June was a VERY busy month and July is starting to full up but so far looking a lot less crazy then June. I can't bring myself to look at August or put anything on it. I can't believe in 3 days I can tell people "next month" when they ask when I am due. I got a paper in the mail for Abby's kindergarten "Getting to know you" and it is on July 24th. My first thought was "Wow, that's exactly one month before Lucas is here". For those that don't know this, the kids will go back to school on Tuesday August 21st and I will be having Lucas August about prefect timing. I will get a few days to make sure things are ready for him to arrive while my sweeties are at school for 7 hours. I keep saying I don't know what I will do with them BOTH gone all day but I am sure there will be plenty to do, especially once Lucas is here. I mean, does a SAHM ever run out of things to do?!

June 2012

July 2012
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