Sunday, July 15, 2012

Our Week in photos!

Last week was not a very busy one for us which was totally fine by me! We need some down time every now and then.

Monday ~ Matt was suppose to take his day off but got a call from work they needed something so he had to go in for a little bit then of course other things held him up so when he finally got home and showered it was time for Logan's baseball game. It was an awesome game. They were down 11-3 in the last inning and rallied to win the game 12-11! GO PIRATES!

Tuesday ~ I had a great 32 week check up. Lucas was being a stinker and sticking his butt up at my midwife when she was trying to listen to his heartbeat...silly boy! I also filled out all the paperwork to register at the hospital. Yay!

Wednesday ~ the kids and I hung around the house and relaxed. I had my usual for lunch (tuna on toast with 3 Kebbler Rainbow Deluxe cookies and a bottle of water of course) and washed and folded more of Lucas' clothes!

Thursday ~ Again, it was a hang around the house, Jaxon looking guilty like always kinda day! Then we got ready (insert 32 week 5 day belly bump) and heading to dinner with some good friends. I am super excited because they are due in October and having a BOY also! Can you say play dates in the future?!

Friday ~ The kids and I ran some errands, then hit the pool with some friends. That night we went to Olive Garden for dinner and to Target (my favorite store but I am starting to feel like I live there)! I scored some Carter's sock for Lucas off the clearance rack for $8 and a cute Carter's 6m outfit for $3. The fabric for his 2nd crib crib sheet I am having made came on Friday too!

Linking up with Amy @ a good life!