Currently I am...
Enjoying these last few weeks of feeling Lucas move around. Knowing this is my last pregnancy is making me savor every little move he makes. It is my favorite part of being pregnant and will miss it once he is finally here.
Indulging in my Georgetown cupcakes! I try to spread the dozen out over a few weeks so I don't feel so guilty about eating them. In less than 5 weeks when this little boy vacates my body I will be back on WW. I can't wait to get back to my pre-pregnant self. I look at pictures from before and get teary eyed. It is all worth it but it is still hard to see the effect pregnancy has on your body.
Learning all I can about cloth diapering. I have a really good stash to get me started and I can't wait to see Lucas in them. I am watching a lot of YouTube videos to get different information from moms out there that have been CDing a long time. I finally decided on a detergent and am hoping to get them all washed this weekend.
Inspired by all the wonderful blog ladies out there! I am having so much fun linking up and building my blog into something wonderful. You ladies are awesome for hosting all these great link up that help get my blog out into the blog world. Thanks so much!
Becoming aware at how much my life is going to change in a few short weeks. Both of the kids will be in school, which will be a big change and then of course there is Lucas' arrival (only 4 more weeks!!!). I am excited and nervous about both. This is a big year for Logan. Third grade is the first year of SOL testing and "real" grading. I know Abby will do fine in Kindergarten. She is beyond ready for it! Then there is adjusting to having a newborn in the house again after almost 6 years. These are all wonderful changes and I will be welcoming them with open arms!
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You're the second person on this link up that mentioned indulging in cupcakes! I think it's a sign that I should go get one - or a dozen. Yummmm.
Hi Krystle- that's crazy that we are only about a week apart(due date wise). I'm so excited to hear about your new little guy. I followed back but my google is acting up and not putting up my picture or name so hopefully it went through- your GCF number increased so I'm thinking it did. I will check back tomorrow and make sure.
Good for you for cloth diapering! I was really considering it with my first but we ended up using disposables. I think I want to at least go part time with cloth for our next baby.
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