Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Currently ~ v5

I LOVE these goofy kids!
currently I am...

Listening to my iTunes as I type this. Something about music puts me at ease and it helps me think. I could honestly listen to music 24 hours a day. Even at night when I am sleeping. When I was in high school (yes, that was 11 years ago) I would sleep with my radio on every night. When Matt and I got married I switched to just a fan because he was not a fan of the music, although that man sleeps so sound I am not sure he even heard it.

Daydreaming of hold my little guy in my arms all day long! I am going to be so selfish with him. I mean I carried him for 39 weeks why shouldn't I be aloud to hog him. With the kids at school and Matt at work, I will get all the time I want during the day so I guess I can share a little in the evenings.

Wanting a sewing machine so bad. I asked Matt the other night if I could get one and he said "No, you don't know how to sew." I said "well duh that is why I am getting a machine that will do it for me." hahaha I mean yes I will still need learn how to use it and all but it is not like sewing by hand. He just laughed at me.

Looking forward to planning our vacation to the beach next year. I know it is a year away but we never made it to the beach this year and I am not about to let that happen again next year. We are going to stay at the KOA in the Outer Banks. I think the kids will love the camping (in a cabin with AC of course) aspect, plus it is right on the beach and you don't pay anywhere near what a hotel on the beach cost.

Writing nothing... how many people actually writes with pen and paper these days. Not me that's for sure. Now, typing I do a lot of that...emailing, blogging, Facebook, etc.

 Linking up with...
This Amazing Day


Unknown said...

I begged my husband for a sewing machine a few years ago and I still barely every sew. I currently have a bunch of fabric that I plan on making into floor pillows for my daughters room but I have so many projects on my list that I don't know when I will get around to it.

Domestic Mamma said...

The sewing machine cracks me up! lol I had a similar conversation with my sister the other day. She was talking about sewing curtains for her daughters room, I asked her if she even knows how to sew. She told me she is going to watch tutorials on you should tell hubby that!